Understanding the Mechanics of Divorce

Understanding the Mechanics of Divorce

The Uncontested Divorce

According to Accelerate Family Lawyers when it comes to family law it is a common misconception that an uncontested divorce is a type of divorce; it’s not. When you go to the courthouse you don’t file an uncontested divorce. The uncontested part of the divorce is the settlement agreement that is attached to the divorce, it is the stage that you reach in a divorce proceeding marked by agreement. Fundamentally, if you don’t have a settlement agreement, you don’t have an uncontested divorce. Don’t make the error of putting the cart before the horse. If you don’t have an agreement, you don’t have an uncontested divorce; even if you want one the other side might not agree to your terms.

If you and your spouse can agree on the terms of the dissolution of your marriage then filing an uncontested divorce is the most reasonable way to proceed in your divorce case.

What are the benefits of agreeing to the terms of your divorce? First, anytime you can agree to anything in your case it’s much cheaper. What are the disadvantages of agreeing to the terms of your divorce? Well none if you can agree to the terms. The question is what are the terms of the divorce? If you are satisfied with the terms of your divorce settlement then you have an uncontested divorce. Realistically people who have been married for a long time, have significant assets or very different parenting styles may not reach the uncontested stage of the divorce proceedings as quickly as a couple with no children, no property and little time together.


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Prioritize Your Response

Prioritize Your Response

Experienced family lawyers advise that if you are confronted by the possibility of a rapidly deteriorating marriage you will need to know the best way to respond to your spouses conduct, whether you look at family dispute mediation or other means – so that you both minimize the harmful effects of their behavior and to maximize your to protect what is most important to you.

The First Step is the hardest.

It hardly needs to be said, but it does not hurt to be reminded: Don’t panic. Immediately remove yourself and your child from any situation that could become harmful to either of you.

Show some dignity. Never attempt to resolve your marital differences on Facebook or in your own driveway. Remember that public scolding, shaming, or even attempting to reason with or otherwise trying to influence your spouse, once they have made up their mind to leave the marriage, is wholly ineffective. The utilization of such tactics generally means that you will be engaging in pointless argument, at best, and at worst you could be jeopardizing your safety.

You may hope to reconcile with your spouse at some future date but it would be unwise to expect them to change without professional help.


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